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This is the place to BOOKMARK to stay informed of upcoming events for Finishing Well Ministries. 

Join Dr. Hal Habecker as offers THREE different sessions. Each session builds on the other so be sure to watch/attend all three. The first session is an on demand webinar, "An Introduction to Finishing Well Ministries". The next two sessions are LIVE on ZOOM with Hal and/or another Finishing Well Ministries leader. Watch the Introduction then sign up for the next session when available. The LIVE ZOOM sessions will resume early 2024 so STAY TUNED!


Intro to FWM

1. Introduction to Finishing Well Ministries.

Watch this pre-recorded webinar by Hal Habecker as he gives a brief overview of Finishing Well Ministries and fulfilling God's plan for our aging years. This video discussion is for those in ALL stages of understanding what it means to finish well. So whether you are hearing of this concept for the first time or are currently facilitating a class in the SEVEN Essentials, please join us for this opportunity to get an overview of our purpose and mission at Finishing Well Ministries

understanding the seven

2. Understanding the Seven Essentials for Finishing Well. ON DEMAND WEBINAR BELOW.

Watch the online webinar below as Hal Habecker works through a brief discussion on the Seven Essentials for Finishing Well. Are there steps to consider as we work to finish the race and finish it well? Dr. Hal Habecker has pinpointed critical essentials to living and finishing life well. 


If you’ve had a chance to watch the Introduction to Finishing Well Ministries above, please take this NEXT STEP and watch this brief overview of the Seven Essentials. What's NEXT after you watch?

1.  Consider going in to greater depth and working through the series of videos and the workbook

2.  Ask a friend or family member to join you in the discussion of the Seven Essentials

3.  Join a class either in person or online and work through the Seven Essential study together

4.  How do I develop a plan to implement the 7 Essentials in my life?

5.  How can I use them to make a difference in others?


Now that you have learned more, would you consider sharing the Seven Essentials for Finishing Well with your community or church. TO LEARN HOW, JOIN US LIVE ON ZOOM. See the dates and opportunities below.


Six Essenials Workshop
Leading Others

3. Leading Others Through the Seven Essentials. 

Join Hal LIVE on ZOOM (Date and Time TBD)

NOTE: These sessions will vary and may include Leadership Workshops specifically designed for those leading or looking to lead a group through the Seven Essentials


I believe God is calling out people to lead others in learning and living the 7 Essentials in life. If you are one of those persons, we want to encourage you to step out in faith to use your interests, skills and influence with others to help them capture their later years in making a greater difference for Christ. We will address questions like these:

1.  What requirements are essential?

2.  What are first steps, and who is in my sphere of influence? Who will I invite?

4.  What help can I expect from Finishing Well Ministries?


If you would like to talk to Hal personally and discuss how we can support you in leading others through the Seven Essentials, send him and email here.

Upcoming Event
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