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"The Seven Last Words From Christ On The Cross” - 7
(7) ‘Lord Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit’ Luke 23.46 [Matthew 27.50;Mark 15.37]). Jesus had absolute certainty of His Father’s...

"The Seven Last Words From Christ On The Cross” - 6
(6) ‘It Is Finished’ (John 19.30). Nothing is as satisfying as the joy and peace of finishing a task. The bigger the task, the deeper...

"The Seven Last Words From Christ On The Cross” - 5
(5) ‘I Thirst’ (John 19.28). This fifth word is very closely identified with His previous word. Emotional, physical, and near spiritual...

"The Seven Last Words From Christ On The Cross” - 4
(4) ‘ELI, ELI, Iama Sabachthani’ - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken Me” (Matthew 27.46; Mark 15.34). At the hour of His death,...

"The Seven Last Words From Christ On The Cross” - 3
(3) ‘Women Behold Your Son’ (John 19.26). At the end of our lives, when physical separation is real for those that are left behind, we...

"The Seven Last Words From Christ On The Cross”-2
(2) ‘Truly, I Say Unto You, Today you Shall Be With Me In Paradise’ (Luke 23.43) For the believer, death cannot and will not separate us...

"The Seven Last Words From Christ On The Cross”-1
(1) ‘Father Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Are Doing’ (Luke 23.34). One of Jesus’ incredible teachings was on the importance...

“Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday”
As this week is the “Passion Week” of our Lord and Savior, we simply must take time to reflect on our Savior’s death and resurrection....
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