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Below is a short list of recommended media and reading by Finishing Well Ministries. We tried to provide the link to where these can be purchased with each description. Please note that these are recommendations only, Finishing Well Ministries does not recieve any proceeds from any of these publishers or retailers.
Enjoy these great media items as we all work to Finish Well while Living Well.
A Ministry founded by Wes Wick
"Ted" addresses tensions early retirees can face in both secular and church cultures. Donated and produced by Wes and Judy Wick's youngest son, Jeremy, this was his very first explainer video. And while this clip helps explain YES!, it also helped Jeremy launch his video-making career. An intergenerational win-win!
YES! provides resources and opportunities for senior adults to SERVE. Learn more here.
Point of View Livecast - Monday, June 26, 2023 - Hal Habecker
Another great Monday! Our own Kerby Anderson will host. His guest, Hal Habecker, joins him in the studio. Dr. Habecker is the founder and president of Finishing Well Ministries. They'll discuss mobilizing seniors throughout their retirement years. In the second hour, we'll hear Kerby's insight on the weekend and the top issues affecting our lives. Learn more here.
Free weekly webinar to help you grow as a Christian grandparent
What to expect each week
From our presenters each week, you’ll learn how to nurture your grandchildren’s faith and overcome grandparenting obstacles.
New relevant topics and speakers
Testimonies from other grandparents
Practical information and ideas to help you become an intentional Christian grandparent.

Dr. Crawford Loritts is the Senior Pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, Georgia. He has served as a national evangelist with the American Missionary Fellowship and the Urban Evangelistic Mission, as well as Associate Director of Campus Crusade for Christ. He co-founded Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas.
This guest sermon from 2016 hits home for Finishing Well Ministriies

Finishing Well to the Glory of God
Combining his medical expertise, firsthand experience with patients, and firm commitment to Scripture, geriatric specialist Dr. Dunlop proposes nine strategies for finishing life well. Theologically robust and practically relevant, his insights demonstrate the proper physical, emotional, and spiritual preparation needed so that aging and death can result in a purposeful rest in the Savior's arms.

Extreme Grandparenting: The Ride of Your Life!
In Extreme Grandparenting: The Ride of Your Life!, you'll find honesty, humor, stories, and practical experience to motivate and guide you into richer relationships with your children and grandchildren. Discover how you can reach and relate to grandkids, not only as a mentor and loving family member, but as a spiritual rock during the hard times.

Finishing Our Course with Joy: Guidance from God for Engaging with Our Aging
Do you look in the mirror and see gray hair and wrinkles? Packer---now in his mid-80s---says that getting older doesn't mean you should banish yourself to the rocking chair! Sharing personal insights and examples, he offers a compelling vision for lifelong learning, purposeful planning, running the race with endurance, and glorifying Jesus---no matter what your age!

Beyond Half Time
Beyond Halftime provides guidance, reassurance, and insight for men and women on the halftime journey from success to significance. In Bob Buford's bestseller, Halftime, he tells you how to make the transition. In Beyond Halftime, Bob accompanies you on that journey as a personal coach, answering questions and offering encouragement every step of the way.

Beyond Half Time
Beyond Halftime provides guidance, reassurance, and insight for men and women on the halftime journey from success to significance. In Bob Buford's bestseller, Halftime, he tells you how to make the transition. In Beyond Halftime, Bob accompanies you on that journey as a personal coach, answering questions and offering encouragement every step of the way.

Vision For The Aging Church
Are we ready for the opportunities and challenges facing the aging church?
Now is the time for the church to offer ministry to its increasing numbers of seniors and to benefit from ministry they can offer. In this book James M. Houston and Michael Parker issue an urgent call to reconceive the place and part of the elderly and seniors in the local church congregation.

The Best Is Yet to Be: Moving Mountains in Midlife
No one needs to tell you that the crises of midlife are real. In fact, they can loom like mountains blocking your path. Kids grow up, parents grow old, spouses grow apart. Finances get strained and regrets are relentless—just when it should be getting easier! At this stage of life, it's easy to feel that our best years are behind us and somehow we've missed it.

September Songs: The Good News About Marriage in the Later Years
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, thirty years have been added to the normal human life expectancy. In September Songs, the follow-up to her bestselling Intimate Partners, Maggie Scarf investigates the surprising and profound evolution marriage has undergone in these "bonus years." In a series of intimate and provocative interviews, she delves into the lives of couples married for more than two decades and uncovers the welcome news that most couples are more satisfied in their marriages today than in their early years together.

Navigates this twisted, sometimes-bumpy terrain and provides practical alternatives to generational segregation, self-absorption, and non-viral faith.
Equips churches with a stronger kingdom focus and vision for the burgeoning population of adults over fifty.
Underscores the vital role younger generations can play in inspiring adults decades older, while also benefiting from their mentoring.

Rethinking Retirement: Finishing Life for the Glory of Christ
Longtime preacher, teacher, and author Piper challenges fellow baby boomers to forego the American dream of comfortable retirement and live dangerously for the One who gave himself in his prime! You'll discover how to finish well, persevere for the right reasons, experience true security, and more.

You Purpose Puzzle
Ponder your life for a moment. Why are you living in your town? Why do you have the job you have? Why are you in a specific relationship? Why are you living in your current conditions, whatever they might be? God has a purpose for everyone -- a purpose that He determined for us before we were even born. He created us specifically for this purpose. We rarely see the full picture, but God gradually reveals pieces of it over time. It is our job to assemble the puzzle and faithfully carry out our purpose. This guide will walk you through the process of prayerfully evaluating your God-given purpose and pursuing it!
AGING WITH PURPOSE - 7 Essentials for Finishing Well
by Dr. Hal Habecker with Philip Rawley
"The more I studied what the Bible says about aging and God’s purposes for His people, the more I realized that the only “expiration date” on Jesus’ call to me to be His disciple, teach His Word, love people, and help mentor the next generation is when my work is finished, and He takes me to heaven. Until then, I’m to fulfill God’s will and purposes for me every day and in every stage of life." - Hal Habecker

What the Bible Says About Growing Older:
The Exciting Potential for This Season of Life
by Dr. Hal Habecker (Author)