(6) ‘It Is Finished’ (John 19.30).

Nothing is as satisfying as the joy and peace of finishing a task. The bigger the task, the deeper the satisfaction when finished. Whether it’s finishing a clinical trial of chemotherapy, finishing a grueling rehabilitation process, or finishing the hardest class one could imagine, we cannot imagine what Jesus felt as
He finished paying the price of redemption for sin. Nevertheless, as we gaze on Him as the author and finisherof our faith (Hebrews 12.2), our task is to finish well ourselves - each day, each season of life, and our very own lives.
Just like his Master, the apostle Paul’s desire was to finish well, and he did (2 Timothy 4.6-8). We aim to do the same.

We’re on a mission to exhort and encourage every person 50+, every person getting closer to retirement season and every person in retirement season to embrace a vision for all that God desires for them in this critically important season of life.
God is at work through FWM. New people. New contacts. New churches. New leaders.
It’s like throwing a stone into the water and watching the concentric circles begin to go wider and wider – even beyond the borders of our country.
Would you please consider supporting us financially?
Happy Easter, Hal
The Seven Last Words From Christ On The Cross