(5) ‘I Thirst’ (John 19.28).

This fifth word is very closely identified with His previous word. Emotional, physical, and near spiritual exhaustion accented His thirst. How could it not?! I believe Jesus thirsted at every level.
After a night of physical brutality, He thirsted physically. He thirsted for peace. He thirsted to get on the other side of His agonizing torture that He suffered in our place. He thirsted to be on the other side of the separation He felt from His Father.
While I understand the thirst that comes from working a long day in the fields on a hot summer day or the thirst of the final miles of the Hotter ‘N Hell century bike ride on a hot summer day in August, I cannot imagine the thirst that Jesus must have felt. It is not surprising that everyone who is in the final stages of the dying process must “thirst” to be on the other side.
Some days may be like that as well. We wonder if this day or this season will ever end. But through it all we thirst for the living God (Psalm 42.1,2).

We’re on a mission to exhort and encourage every person 50+, every person getting closer to retirement season and every person in retirement season to embrace a vision for all that God desires for them in this critically important season of life.
God is at work through FWM. New people. New contacts. New churches. New leaders.
It’s like throwing a stone into the water and watching the concentric circles begin to go wider and wider – even beyond the borders of our country.
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Happy Easter, Hal
The Seven Last Words From Christ On The Cross