(2) ‘Truly, I Say Unto You, Today you Shall Be With Me In Paradise’ (Luke 23.43)

For the believer, death cannot and will not separate us from our relationship with Jesus. As we age and contemplate the value of our own lives, we have absolute assurance that nothing can ever separate us from the love and person of our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 8.38,39).
When our eyes close in death, in a moment and in a twinkling of an eye, we are absent from the body and present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5.6-8). At the moment of our death, we transition to eternity instantly.
(2)That is our hope and confidence in death – at whatever age we die. We live with the confidence of being with Him. In Jesus’ own words, “everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this” (John 11.26)?

We’re on a mission to exhort and encourage every person 50+, every person getting closer to retirement season and every person in retirement season to embrace a vision for all that God desires for them in this critically important season of life.
God is at work through FWM. New people. New contacts. New churches. New leaders.
It’s like throwing a stone into the water and watching the concentric circles begin to go wider and wider – even beyond the borders of our country.
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Happy Easter, Hal
The Seven Last Words From Christ On The Cross