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Finishing Well Ministries
GIVE THANKS AND CELEBRATE with us for how God has provided for 10 years of Finishing Well Ministries. What has been done in His work. What will be done will be His work.
“We are unbelievably thankful for how God has already used Finishing Well Ministries and we look forward to His plans for the future. There is much to be done as we strive to nurture and support Christians in their aging years across the US and globally. Please join us for His Glory and the growth of His people!”
-The Finishing Well Ministries Board of Directors
Why do we need your support? Watch this short video here.

Dr. Hal Habecker
As we seek to live life from God’s perspective and to glorify Him, we purpose to maximize the spiritual impact of an older generation of men and women as disciples in the local church and for the kingdom of God!
While one may retire from an occupation, a disciple never retires from growing into all Christ calls him or her to be. Jesus does not call us to “retire” but to press on and to “Finish Well.” Our productivity for Christ keeps growing out of who we are in Him. Our impact for Christ ought to be increasingly compelling throughout the final decades of life. We want to keep producing much fruit as growing disciples (John 15.7, 8).
God calls us to a different vision of life than the one painted by our culture. Retirement is not an option as a disciple. What does He ask of us in our retirement years? At every age we live, He calls us to invest continually in eternity by investing in others.We’ll use examples like Abraham, Joshua, Caleb, Daniel, Ruth, Anna, Paul, and John of the Scriptures as our role models.
Most of all, we’ll use the example of our Savior who finished the work His Father gave Him to accomplish (John 17.4).